بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Assalamualaikum w.b.t.
So the end of the semester 1 for my final year in UMSKAL is approaching. I have been very busy since the start of the semester. Yeah I know, I haven't post anything since February. Well, I did write but pooofff it went to draft. He he he.
"Orang-orang yang bertaubat dan memperbaiki (amal buruk mereka) serta menerangkan (apa yang mereka sembunyikan) maka orang-orang itu, Aku terima taubat mereka dan Akulah Yang Maha Penerima taubat lagi Maha Mengasihani"
"Those who repent and mend (their bad deeds) and explain (what they hide) then those people, I accept their repentance and I am the Oft The repentance, Most-pity"
(QS Al-Baqarah : 160)
The verse says it all.
Let's repent and shall not repeat (the bad deeds). I once read a quote says;
"To change is easy but istiqamah"
Yes, to change yourself to be a better Muslim is easy. I mean, you can just simply change yourself once you decided to. To strive to be istiqamah is hard. You will be facing lots of challenge and test to shake and break your imaan.
One of the factors why you failed to change to a better one, is the influence of your friends. When you are changing and the desire to continue to be better, you ought to remember that your friends are still in their old character. Hence, how are you going to istiqamah with the change? "Change your circle of friend" they said. It will be good, they said. Yes, it's true.
Once you're trying to change, Allah will surely help you. He will send good people to surround you and help you to change. They are going to keep you motivated in mending yourself. Please, be grateful when you are surrounded by them. It means Allah is giving you His bless.
The surrounding also is one of the greatest challenge. You are determined not to repeat your old mistakes but the challenging situation around you somehow keeps you demotivated. No, please do not be demotivated by the surrounding. Be patient.
"Mintalah pertolongan (untuk menghadapi susah payah dalam menyempurnakan sesuatu perintah Allah) dengan bersabar dan dengan (mengerjakan) sembahyang; kerana sesungguhnya Allah menyertai (menolong) orang-orang yang sabar"
"Pray for help (to face great difficulty in executing Allah's command) with patient and prayer (salah), for Allah will help those who are patient"
(QS Al-Baqarah : 153)
See. Allah will surely help you. The surrounding is a test for you to increase your imaan. If you keep praying for Allah to help you and gives you strength to face the challenge, insyaAllah you will get through it. It will be worth it.
Dear brothers and sisters, let us strive to be one of the most noble servants of Allah.
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